Sunday, February 21, 2016

Time for fun and time for normalcy

I knew this weekend was going to be busy!  Friday night out with friends for dinner, Saturday to the zoo, Sunday, hike and Monday, two walks and a hair cut.

Sunday-Went to bed at  10 p.m. last night and Rory was up at 6, but came back to bed for awhile, but making noises which kept me awake.  I really wish I could sleep by myself.
Weight is going up, but still in goal range.
Breakfast-yogurt with blueberries, toast with almond butter and tea.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Veggie burger
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Ribs, potato salad, frozen yogurt
Hike-5+ miles
Feelings-tired, but a nap will solve that problem. Looking forward to walking with friends. Frustrations that I cannot talk about.  Tired and going to bed early!
Light out at 9:40

Monday-Got up about 6:15.  Feeling slightly down.
Weight is down.  Eating at home helps a lot!
Breakfast-Eggs with spinach, bacon, salsa and cheese, ezekiel bread with almond butter
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Chicken Cobb salad
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Chicken Pad Thai with frozen yogurt
Hike-4 miles
Feelings-Feel down, but talking to others helps.  Being truthful helps! Not saying you are fine, when you are not!  Happy that I accomplished everything I wanted to, today.
Turned off light around 10:30.

Tuesday-Back to getting up at 5:30.  Taking Mari to the train station, really makes me feel like I have a purpose and a reason for getting up early.
Weight is within range
Breakfast-Eggs with brussel sprouts and green onions, salsa, cheese, Ezekiel Bread, almond butter, turkey bacon and tea.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-half turkey burger
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Curry shrimp with rice and vegetables, Mocha freeze
Hike-4 miles
Feelings-feeling motivated. How do you live with someone who constantly frustrates you? I want to live in a peaceful house and I cause part of the issue.  How do I get balance between being social and getting to bed on time.
Turned off light around 11:45-Too late

Wednesday-Up at 5:30.  Didn't sleep well, but was up before the alarm.  Definitely need to take a nap
Weight at the low end of the range
Breakfast-Oatmeal, turkey bacon, tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Half tuna burger
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Salmon TV dinner with frozen yogurt
Feelings-it feels good to get things accomplished early.  Feeling tired-going to take a nap.  Tired of being tired.  Had a surprise phone call today from Petsmart.  I have a job interview on Friday.  My first reaction was nerves.  I have not been through an interview in many years.  Thankful to Patty from my small group, that I feel more confident.

Thursday-Up a little before the alarm would have gone off at 5:30.
Weight stayed the same and still within range
Breakfast-Cereal with blueberries, a banana, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with zucchini and other vegetables and rice, frozen yogurt
Feelings-Feeling depressed on the way to hike, felt happier after the walk, talked to a friend and decided to start cooking dinner as part of my morning routine, which helped later in the day. Accomplished what was on my to do list.

Friday-Woke up to the alarm.
Weight is at the lower end of the range.
Breakfast-goat yogurt with blueberries and bananas, turkey bacon, Ezekiel bread with almond butter and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Veggie burger
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Salmon, kale, diced tomatoes, green onions, zucchini and mushroom risotto with yogurt
Feelings-good start to a Friday-several positive things happened, tired, I like cooking dinner earlier in the day, so I don't have to rush to make dinner and go pick up Mari or go to a hike.  Had an interview that went very well.  Had some sadness regarding Sweet Pea from a sympathy card
Early to bed.

Saturday-Got up around 6, before the alarm went off.
Weight is staying at the low end of the range
Breakfast-eggs with onion and spinach, turkey bacon, Ezekiel bread with almond butter and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-turkey and provolone cheese sandwich from Jersey Mike's and milk tea from 85 degrees
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken fried rice with vegetables
Feelings-up early to get to a hike, which was nice with a new group of people.  It was nice to be out by myself for awhile. Nice to stay home in the afternoon, while Rory is upstairs.  Getting things accomplished. Tired and got a nap.
Early to bed.


Sunday-Salmon Salad with Bell Peppers
Monday-Turkey, Fried Rice and Bell Peppers
Tuesday, Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Mushrooms and turkey bolognese.
Wednesday-Chicken, zucchini, diced tomatoes and rice
Thursday-Chicken, spinach, mushrooms and rice



Sunday, February 14, 2016

Where are we going?

There have been a couple changes since the first of the year.  Mari started a new job and yesterday, we had to put Sweet Pea to sleep.  I was stating, about the middle of last week, that I felt stalled, but I am not.

Sunday-I went to bed early last night and woke up between 4 and 5.  Finally got up about 6:30.  My one morning without the alarm.
My weight dropped and is in the lower end of the range.
Breakfast-goat yogurt with blueberries and bananas, Ezekiel bread with almond butter and bacon
Snack-trail mix
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chili Mac with frozen yogurt
Exercise-5.25 miles
Feelings-It felt strange this morning to come downstairs and not see Sweet Pea, as well as look in Mari's room and not see her.  I know I will get used to this eventually.  Time to move forward.  Tonight, when we got home, I looked over at the couch and expected to see her and of course, did not.  The girls have been in tears still and I have not had that feeling.  I know we all grieve differently.  I have always been a realist and I know she is gone.  I miss her, but I know she is in a better place.  After 14 years, we are so used to having her with us and her habits.
Lights turned out at 10:25.

Monday-Woke up before the alarm.  Really did not sleep the best.  Could not get comfortable.
My weight is staying in the lower end of the range.
Breakfast-cereal with blueberries and bananas, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Chicken salad
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Salmon TV dinner
Walk-4.4 miles
Feelings-feeling sad, which is part losing Sweet Pea and feeling like there is nothing left in this house.  Mari and Marissa feel the same way and we are all ready to move on.  Now I need to find a job, even though it may be part time.  I am going to get a part time job and work on starting a walking tour business.

Tuesday-Couldn't remember if I turned on the alarm and then realized I did.  Got up a little before 5:30.  A nap is definitely in the cards today.
My weight is staying in the lower end of the range
Breakfast-hard boiled egg on toast with cheese
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-chicken salad
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-chicken, zucchini, mushrooms, diced tomatoes and rice and a cookie
Exercise-4+ mile walk
Feelings-I am not going to let fear and laziness keep me from moving forward.  I need to be positive. I have to remember I have lost 70+ pounds and I can do what I put my mind to.  I did fill out an application for PetSmart, plus I did go over and introduce myself to the person who hires.  It felt really good to take a step forward.  Walk was good and it is nice to stay after for social.

Wednesday-Woke up to the alarm at 5:30.  I know this is going to be a crazy morning!
My weight is staying in the lower end of the range.
Breakfast-Took myself out to breakfast to Cinnamon Productions! Had eggs with cheese and vegetables and sourdough toast and a Mint Mocha.
Lunch-shrimp salad
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-fish burrito
Feelings-chaotic as Mari had to be at the train at 6:30 and Marissa had to be at the dentist at 8. Finally got away from the dentist at 9 and then got breakfast. Back to the dentist to pick up Marissa up at 10:45.Got an errand accomplished.Nap time. I want to start a walking tour business and I am getting impatient and I really need to slow down and do this the right way.  Chaos!  It helped to go to small group and focus on something else.
Light out at 10

Thursday-Woke up before the alarm!
My weight is staying in the lower end of the range.
Breakfast, eggs, veggies and rice with tea and turkey bacon.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-pizza and soup at CPK
Snacks-trail mix-one about 4:45 and one while walking
Dinner-chicken burrito from Sharkey's and frozen yogurt
Feelings-going to only focus on my photography, the walking tour business, exploring and Sunset hikes and my health.  I need to stop feeling scattered.  What is important?  Headed for Naples to do a dry run of a walk I am going to do for Sunset hikes. Tired when I got home.  Got things done and rested.  Did not feel like eating dinner at 5, so put off until after hike.  I could tell my blood sugar got low during the hike, so that is when I had the second snack.  It was nice to join in on the festivities at Sharkey's.
Turned off the light at 11:45.

Friday-forgot to turn on the alarm, so Mari/Rory woke me up about 6.  Flew out of bed to take Mari to the train.
My weight is staying within the range
Breakfast-eggs, cheese, kale, Ezekiel bread with almond butter
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Meat loaf sandwich
Snack-trail mix
Dinner- out for Afghanistan food
Feelings-feeling positive today, as well as frustrated. One of my least favorite things is to work on finances. It was nice to get out with friends for dinner.  This is going to be a busy weekend with a lot of going out!

Saturday-up at 6:30. It was nice to sleep in this morning. Going to the zoo today.
My weight is going up, but still within range.
Breakfast-cereal with blueberries,bananas,turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-out-chicken salad,chicken strips and French fries
Snack-trail mix and soft serve ice cream
Dinner-grilled cheese with bacon and spinach and yogurt
Feelings-enjoyable day at the zoo.  Too many people and too much traffic.  Exhausted.


Monday-Chicken Pad Thai with noodles
Tuesday-Shrimp Curry
Thursday-Chicken with Ziti
Friday-Salmon, zucchini, kale, onion, diced tomatoes and rice
Saturday-Chicken Fried Rice


Monday-two walks

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Month end-check in

So far for the month of January, I am down 2 pounds.  I know my body will level off eventually

Sunday-Finally got up around 6:30.  I catnapped from about 5 to about 6:30.  Not the greatest sleep, as I was worried about Sweet Pea.  Sweet Pea is a diabetic cat and we ran out of insulin last night for various reasons.
Breakfast-Eggs with spinach and onion, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Leftovers from yesterday of salad.
Snack-frozen yogurt
Dinner Salmon TV dinner
Feelings-tired of Rory's complaining. Concerned about Sweet Pea, as we ran out of her insulin last night. I was hoping that the vet had sent the paper work to the pharmacy, which did happen.I really need to trust in God. Feeling sad. 
Turned off the light around 10.

Monday-Got up a little before 5:30.  Glad to be back on normal morning routine.
Weight is staying with range
Breakfast-Eggs with bell peppers and onions, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch- left over salad from the weekend
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-chicken with mushroom risotto and green beans and frozen yogurt
Exercise-4.6 miles
Feelings-decided this morning to not turn off the fan and not turn on the coffee maker until I was almost out the bedroom door, so I did not have to hear Rory talk.  I know that sounds mean, but I enjoy quietness and peacefulness in the morning.  Feeling very frustrated about many things. It was really nice to be able to talk to a friend. Feeling very blessed.
Turned off the light at 11 pm

Tuesday-Woke up a couple of minutes before the alarm went off at 5:30 a.m.
Weight is staying within range
Breakfast-Cereal with bananas and blueberries, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Meat Loaf sandwich
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Chicken, broccoli and macaroni and cheese and frozen yogurt
Feelings-Tired, definitely will be taking a nap.  Enjoying editing pictures and having a quiet house, as Rory went to a movie.  Chaotic as Mari's train was late in the morning, therefore her train coming home was going to be later and we have a hike to get to. Usually Mari texts me when she gets to Union Station, and she didn't and I was concerned. She was on the train, she was supposed to be on. A friend had a car issue that I had to help with and therefore I missed the hike. The things that happened were relatively minor and gotten taken care of.
Light went out around 11

Wednesday-woke up when the alarm went off at 5:30.  Rory had awakened me a couple of times during the night, which did not help.
Weight is staying within range.
Breakfast-Eggs with bell peppers, Ezekiel bread with almond butter and turkey bacon and tea.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-veggie burger sandwich
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-tacos from Chipotle and frozen yogurt
Feelings/things I got from my readings-Make a decision.  Just say yes or no, and don't keep changing your mind.  Make the best decision you can and trust God with the results.  Be decisive!  Whatever I need to do in life, just do it.  Keep it simple and trust God with the results. 
Lights out atm10:30.

Thursday-woke up when the alarm went off at 5:30
Weight is at the low end of the range.
Breakfast-quiche,turkey bacon,tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-pizza,salad and iced tea
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-shrimp,chicken kabob,salad and rice and baklava,
Exercise-4.5 mile walk
Feelings Marissa and I went to San Diego. Fun and tiring day. I wish Rory could handle household stuff,instead of getting me in the middle of things, especially when I am not home.
Light off at 10:15

Friday-woke up before the alarm at 5:25.
Weight is within the range and still at the low end.
Breakfast-Egg Burrito with turkey bacon and tea.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Half turkey burger
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Shrimp and chicken,egg rolls.rice and veges with ice cream
Feelings-Tired and sad, but dealing with reality.  We may have to put Sweet Pea to sleep.  This morning she is having labored breathing.  I took her to the vet and they put her on oxygen.  They are doing blood and urine analysis.  She is 16 and has been dealing with diabetes and kidney issues.  I do not want her to suffer.  Went out to dinner with friends, which was really nice, plus very needed.

Saturday-woke up at 6, thinking we were going to LA, but there were other things going on that changed that decision.
Weight is within the range.
Breakfast-Egg pizza with turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Half tuna sandwich
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-chicken, vegetables, rice with salsa
Feelings-sad, but knowing I am making the right decision. This is hard.I had to make the decision to put Sweet Pea to sleep.  I am at peace with the decision I made.  I will miss her.  This has been a hard day.  Most of the day my emotions were pretty good, but tonight, it has been hard.  I, also, am not used to staying home all day on Saturday, so I fee somewhat lost.  
Turned off the light at 9:59


Sunday-Chili Mac
Tuesday-Chicken, zucchini, diced tomatoes, rice
Wednesday-Fish Burritos
Thursday-Chicken Mushroom Risotto
Friday-Shrimp couscous
Saturday-Grilled cheese with Bacon and Spinach


Thursday-two walks
Saturday-possible trip to the zoo

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Normal routine

Eating healthy and exercising has become something I do and I need to stick to a normal routine, so I get the rest I need.

Sunday-got up at 6:30.  I did not have the greatest sleep as I was sore from yesterday.
Weight was within range
No exercise today
Breakfast was oatmeal with blueberries and a banana, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Turkey half sandwich
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with sweet potatoes and broccoli and yogurt
Feelings-I am feeling tired and sore from yesterday. Quite often after I do a Saturday walk/hike with my hiking family, I have a tendency to go down in the dumps.  I am somewhat fighting this today. I did hit the boredom issue by the end of the day.
Turned off the light around 10.

Monday-got up at 5:30.  Better sleep.  I keep saying that I am frustrated, but there is nothing I can do about the frustration, as he is not going to change, but there is something I can do about the boredom.
Weight was within range.
Breakfast was cereal with a banana, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Salad with bread
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chili Mac
Feelings-I am going to do my devotional reading and get breakfast made, before I get on the phone/computer.  I am going to do financial stuff once a week, but log in the checking account every day, as part of my computer time. The change in the routine helped.  I did errands and some reading.  I did not feel like I was beating myself because I was not getting things done.  Stressed over Marissa's dentist appointment as she is going to have to have approximately $5000 worth of work done on her teeth.  Rory was trying to figure out other ways of dealing with the cost, also known as not dealing with reality.
Turned off the light around 10:40 and had a panic attack about midnight!  Got to bed too late, as I was looking at events on my meet up group.

Tuesday-got up at 5:30.  Could use more sleep, will definitely be taking a nap.
Weight was within range.
Breakfast-Goat yogurt with blueberries, banana, Ezekiel bread and almond butter.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-half a tuna burger
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with couscous and vegetables
Exercise-4+ mile walk and some home exercises
Feelings-I am tired, as I stayed up a little later than I should looking at a schedule for my hiking group.  I had a panic attack during the night, probably from dealing with all of the stress from yesterday.  Marissa had an appointment with her therapist today and I thought it was at 11, and if I had looked at my calendar, I would have seen that her appointment was at 2.  I am very accustomed to her appointments with her OT being at 11.  I have to look at it on the positive side, that I got some things done and I had some one-on-one time with Marissa. The walk was good and it was nice to socialize afterwards.  Got to bed later than I should, but, overall it was a good day
Turned off the light about 11:20

Wednesday-got up at 5:30.  Definitely taking a nap.
Weight was within range.
Breakfast-Eggs with spinach, onions, cheese and salsa.  Ezekiel bread with almond butter
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch Quiche with coffee
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with buffalo sauce,rice and vegetables and yogurt
Feelings-I am tired, as I stayed up later than I should, since I was social after the hike, but I enjoyed. I am going to allow myself to stay after to socialize on days where we have no appointments the next day, as I can take naps.  It has been a good day, as I have gotten a meet up written up, a blog posted on and some pictures edited.  I, always feel good when I accomplish things. Nice to spend time with Mari, even though there were interruptions
Turned off the light about 10:30

Thursday-got up at 5:30.
Weight was within range.
Breakfast-Quiche, turkey bacon, tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Chicken salad
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with veggies and rice and frozen yogurt
Exercise-5.5 mile walk
Feelings-Good start to a morning, even with a small bump in the road.  Feeling good as I am accomplishing things every day, as well as mundane house stuff.  Glad Incould be social.
Light went off at 10:45

Friday-got up at 5:30.  I was awake at 5, but went back to sleep, until I heard the alarm.
Weight was within range.
Breakfast-Eggs with vegetables, Ezekiel bread and almond butter, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-shrimp wrap
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-shrimp tacos with rice and yogurt
Feelings-I like this new schedule, as it does not feel like routine to me and I am getting things done. There is a routine to it, but there isn't. Slight bumps in the road, but working through it. Feeling more positive. Things I need to work on- feeling more secure in myself, trusting, faith,confidence and working through fear.
Light went off at 10:45

Saturday-Woke up between 5 and 5:30, but fell back asleep and finally got up around 6:30.
Weight was within range, in fact it has been staying the same for the last three days.
Breakfast-oatmeal with turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-chicken cobb salad with garlic bread
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-chicken kabob with rice and salad and a white chocolate chip cookie
Feelings-looking forward to exploring today.  I enjoy being able to actually spend time with Mari on the weekends, when she is not sleeping.  Fun day out with friends, exploring Pacific Palisades.  Coming home to negativity is not enjoyable.


Sunday-Salmon TV dinner
Monday-chicken and mushroom risotto
Tuesday-chicken and broccoli macaroni and cheese
Thursday-Garlic Lime chicken
Friday-Curry Chicken
Saturday-Salsa chicken with chimichurri rice



Sunday, January 24, 2016

Decisions and changes

After two weeks of Mari working, I am learning what I can and cannot do.  One of the things I really need is my rest, as well as my hikes and socializing.  I need to have balance in all of this.

Sunday-I was awake at 5:15, but I did not get up until 6:15.  I sort of slept in that hour.
Weight was within goal range
Breakfast-Eggs, smoked salmon, turkey bacon, toast with almond butter, herb tea
Snack-trail mix
Snack-Trail Mix
Dinner-Fish with rice and vegetables-ate out, which was not planned.  Made good choices!
Exercise-A 3 mile hike and some home exercises
Words/feelings-trying not to people please, but set boundaries and take care of myself! Sunday feels like a catch up day, especially after two days of being gone.  Looking forward, but not looking forward to our hike.  Found lost dog on our hike, which cancelled the hike, but we did the right thing.
Turned off the light about 10.

Monday-Was awake before the alarm went off at 5:30.
Weight is within goal range
Breakfast-Eggs, rice, vegetables and bread left over from last night, turkey bacon, herb tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-chicken salad
Snack-Trail mix
Dinner-chicken, vegetables and rice mixed with marsala/curry sauce and frozen yogurt
Exercise-A 4 mile hike and some home exercises
Words/feelings-feeling sort of strange when you hear that someone you knew in high school lost a child, sort of how I felt when I heard about someone that I knew at age 4, was driving. Not quite the same feeling, but I still see this person, as if he was in high school, not as a dad.  I see the four year old, as a four year old, not as a teenager.  Feeling pushed to get something done.  Mari came down with a cold and I wanted to be a mom and make her all better.  I didn't get to see her until about 9:30 last night.
Turned off the light around 11, as I knew I could sleep in on Tuesday.

Tuesday-slept in until 6:40.
Weight is within goal range
Breakfast-Eggs, Kale, cheese, salsa and toast with almond butter
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Shrimp salad
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with rice and vegetables and yogurt
Exercise-4.75 mile walk and home exercises
Words/feelings-feel more rested as I got to sleep in a little bit. Happy that I got things accomplished,feeling sad that I can't socialize after hikes, because I am trying to get rest.
Turned off the light at 10:15

Wednesday-Woke up before the alarm and got up at 5:30.
Weight is within goal range
Breakfast-Cereal with bananas and blueberries, turkey bacon and tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Meat Loaf Sandwich
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken burrito
Words/feelings-overwhelmed and am I doing/saying what is right.  Mari was struggling this morning to get out the door and I told her she should go to work, as she was doing better last night. Marissa was not feeling well this morning and I am not sure whether it is cold or anxiety.  I was asked to go hiking in the mountains tomorrow and my first reaction was no, as I have a usual Thursday night hike, but nothing else.  I changed my mind and said yes.  Stepping out of my comfort zone!

Thursday-Woke up at 5:30.  Mari forgot to turn on her alarm and did not get up until 6, so she made a 7:10 train.
Weight is within range.
Breakfast-Goat yogurt with blueberries, toast with almond butter, tea
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Half Turkey sandwich with salad
Snack-Trail Mix
Dinner-Chicken with diced tomatoes, zucchini and rice
Words/Feelings-Nice day.  Hike was definitely out of my comfort zone, but enjoyable.  Very tired by the end of the day.  God was definitely in control.

Friday-Woke up around 5:15 and finally got up by 5:30.  Normal day as far as getting out the door.
Weight is within range
Breakfast-Eggs with Spinach and onions, Toast with almond butter, tea
Snack-Trail Mix
Lunch-Veggie sandwich
Snack-Trail Mix
Dinner-Chicken Barbonara with frozen yogurt
Words/feelings-Not looking forward to this morning as the plumber is coming to replace some things in our bathroom, which means Rory will have to be downstairs.  I am going to run errands!  The plumbing company called and cancelled, and I was very thankful.  Still need to run errands.

Saturday was a field trip day to Pasadena/Eagle Rock with a walk of approximately 5 miles and 1300 steps.  Made good choices with food.  I need to stick to my normal schedule, especially with having to get Mari to the bus by 6:30.  I need balance and I need to pace myself.


Sunday-Chicken with sweet potatoes and broccoli
Monday-Chili Macaroni
Tuesday-Chicken with couscous and veggies
Wednesday-Buffalo chicken
Thursday-Chicken with broccoli and rice
Friday-Shrimp Tacos


Monday-Mission Viejo Lake walk
Tuesday-Turtle Rock walk
Thursday-Shady Canyon
Saturday-Pacific Palisades Secret Stairs walk

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I, definitely, need hikes/walks.  This past week we had two days of rain, which fouled up my walks.  I can deal with home life, when I walk on a regular basis.  My goal for this year is to work on my mental and spiritual health, now that I have my physical health under control and plan to continue with keeping it under control.

Sunday-got up at 6:30, although, I could have slept longer. Definitely getting a nap today!
Weight is within range and back to eating on routine.
Exercise-Some home exercises and a 3.88 mile walk
Breakfast-Cereal with banana and blueberries, turkey bacon and herb tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Meat Loaf Sandwich and a coffee
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Pho Soup with yogurt and a Thai iced tea
Water-2 bottles
What I read, music I listen to and podcasts-Confident Woman Devotional, Trusting God Day by Day Devotional, music-John Tesh, Spanish Guitar
Words/Feelings-Nice to not have to push to go someplace first thing in the morning, tired, frustrated that Rory can't get certain things he wants-he has no control when he goes to the store(impulse buying), nice to be able to walk and talk with friends, need to work on confidence in many things in my life.  Watching Tiny House and realizing how I would like things more simple. Realizing that Rory does not really respect me and cares more about Mari than he does me or Marissa-very sad!
Turned off the light around 10:15.

Monday-back to the work week and my getting up at 5:15.  Better start to a week. I did get a nap.
Weight is within range.
Exercise-Home exercise and a 4.5 mile walk.
Breakfast-Eggs with bell peppers and onions, Ezekiel bread with Almond Butter and turkey bacon
Snack-Trail mix
Lunch-Left over Pho soup with chicken burger and Chai Tea Latte
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Basil Pest Chicken with mushrooms and rice, ice cream and Thai tea.
Water-2 bottles
My reading, music I listen to and podcasts-On the way home from taking Mari to the train, I listen to a podcast called Happier. On Spotify, I am listening to Discover Weekly, which is a mixture of tunes.Reading a book that a friend of mine wrote on 60's and 70's music and then listened to some Elton John music, read a chapter in a book that I am reading about a country singer and his upbringing, read 5 pages in What Color is my Parachute and a book that Marissa gave me on crimes in California.
Words/Feelings-Need to find a job that I really enjoy and not just find a job to find a job.  I need to respect and accept myself and trust others. I do not trust Rory as he has lied to me in the past and still lies about certain things.  He does not trust others and does not trust my friends and wonders why I do not stay home and watch TV with him.  I am very much a do person  and it is very difficult for me to sit for very long.    He keeps asking if I was always this athletic.  I enjoy walking, I enjoy being with others and I love to explore.  I was enjoying reading and listening to music.  Love the quiet.
Turned off the light around 11:15.

Tuesday-My usual getting up at 5:15.  I was awake before the alarm went off. Need a nap and it is only 9:30 a.m. I did get a nap.
Weight is within range.
Exercise-Home exercise and a 4.5 mile walk
Breakfast-Quiche, turkey bacon
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Turkey burger with coffee
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken with Masala sauce, onions, rice and mixed vegetables. Frozen Yogurt
Water-2 bottles
Words/Feelings-Feeling very tired, then the energy came back.  Still going to take a nap.  Enjoying the peacefulness of the house, as Rory is getting maintenance done on his car.  Feeling good as I got something accomplished that I was not sure how it was going to work out.  I was hoping I could come home from doing errands and edit pictures, but Rory was home and complaining about everything.  He did go upstairs and I did get to edit pictures. Concerned about Mari at our walk, as she got very tired.  Trying to learn a new app.  About to finish a book and trying to figure out what kind of book I want to put in its place.
Turned off the light at 10:45.

Wednesday-Up at 5:15.
Weight is within range.
Exercise-Home Exercise
Breakfast-Egg Burrito with Turkey Bacon and a banana
Snack-Trail Mix
Lunch-Chicken salad from Rubio's
Snack-Trail Mix
Dinner-Orange Chicken with Chow Mein and yogurt
Water-1.5 bottles
Words/Feelings-After I drop Mari off at the train station, I listen to a podcast called Happier, on the way home and I was doing some thinking; I am very much an organized/creative.  I have a tendency to get into a routine, which is my organized side, but how do I be creative?  Somewhat tired and was able to take a short nap.  Love listening to music!  Getting bored with routine and staying at home.  Working on something that is frustrating me, but was able to make it work with some help, which felt good.  I need to have confidence in my self.  Mari got home late, which I stressed out about, but it worked itself out.
Turned off the light at 11:30

Thursday-Up at 6, which was really nice!
Weight is within range
Breakfast-Egg Pizza with turkey bacon
Words/Feelings-I do like routine, but there are times I need to change it up.  I, definitely, need variety.  Maybe that is part of my creative.

A synopsis of Thursday to Saturday:  weight continued to be within goal range, I did approximately 21 miles of walking between Thursday and Saturday and my legs were feeling it  By Saturday, I was very tired!


Sunday-chicken with basil pesto sauce, rice and vegetables
Monday-Chicken with Masala/Curry sauce, rice and vegetables
Tuesday-Chicken Fried Rice
Thursday-Chicken, Zucchini with diced tomatoes and rice


Sunday-hike-Advanced Turtle Rock
Monday-walk-Lake Forest
Thursday-walk-Shady Canyon
Saturday-urban walk-Pasadena-Eagle Rock

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A new chapter in our lives

Mari starts a new job on Monday in Los Angeles, which will mean, I have to get her to the train by 6 a.m. and she will be getting home about 6 p.m.  This will change many things in our lives, plus I will be looking for a part time job.

Sunday-I am learning I can probably get up after about 7 hours of sleep.  I did get up about 6:30 this morning.
Weight was within range.
Exercise-Some home exercise and a 4 mile hike.  I wanted to challenge myself on Peters Canyon to see if I could go out and back and I did it.
Breakfast-Goat yogurt with a banana and blueberries, toast with almond butter and turkey bacon.  Herb tea.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch, turkey burger with cheese and lettuce and a tortilla
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-chicken with broccoli and mushroom risotto and frozen yogurt
Words/Feelings-challenge myself, blah-I feel like I have no feeling about Mari starting work, even though it will be a change.  Trying to act as if, when I have no feeling.  Need to spread my wings on things I do.
Turned off the light around 9:45, but felt like I was awake every two hours.  I was not worried about waking up on time, but had to use the bathroom a lot and the scale reflected that.

Monday-woke up before the alarm at 5:15, but stayed in bed until the alarm went off.
Weight was within range.
Exercise-some home exercise and a very small walk that was supposed to be longer, but the rain hit.
Breakfast, Eggs, Spinach and bell peppers with Ezekiel Bread with Almond Butter and turkey bacon. Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Chicken salad
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken burrito and frozen yogurt
Water-Herb tea
Words/Feelings-Tired from getting up early, frustrated from Rory's irresponsible use of money, frustrated without a phone, thankful for being able to get a new phone.  Feeling scattered from having to redo the new phone.
Turned off the light around 9:45 p.m.  Good nights sleep!

Tuesday-woke up about 4:45, but went back to sleep until the alarm went off!
Weight was within range.
Exercise-Home exercise, no walk due to rain
Breakfast-Quiche and turkey bacon with herb tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-egg burrito and a hot chocolate with peppermint.
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-salmon with rice and veggies and yogurt with M&M's
Water-Herb tea
Words/Feelings-feeling positive today, maybe I am going to like getting up at 5:15 and getting going with my day, as long as I get a good nights sleep, it is  feeling good getting things done, feeling frustrated that I have to deal with things that Rory starts and I know more about and I have to deal with the phone calls that he makes.  This interrupts my getting other things done. Frustrated with Rory and his dealing with finances.  I need to be strong and not give in to what I have given into in the past.  I am tired of constantly arguing with him.  It is exhausting.
Turned off the light around 10 and had a hard time turning my head off!

Wednesday-did not have the greatest night's sleep and did get up at 5:15
Weight was within range.
Exercise-Home exercise.
Breakfast-Eggs with Vegetables and Ezekiel bread and almond butter with turkey bacon
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-chicken salad
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-shrimp with diced tomatoes, mushrooms and rice and frozen yogurt
Water-Herb tea
Words/Feelings-feeling tired today, as I had a hard time shutting my head off during the night.  Feeling good, as I am getting things accomplished.  In order to move forward, I need to do something, which I am going to do!  Has anything really changed with Rory and finances? NO! Frustrated at home, more positive, when I am out doing errands and out with other people.  Had small group last night, which was nice and then stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home with Mari.
Turned off the light around 10:30

Thursday-had a good night's sleep and got up at 5:15.
Weight was within range.
Exercise-A 5.5 mile walk and home exercise
Breakfast-Oatmeal with bananas and blueberries and turkey bacon.
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-shrimp salad
Snack-Trail Mix
Dinner-Chicken with basil pesto, rice and vegetables, frozen yogurt
Water-Herb Tea
Words/Feelings-nice to see the sun out.  Need to keep my mouth shut and just try to get along.  Feels good getting things done. Felt really good getting out and hiking and being with friends.

Friday-had a good night's sleep and got up at 5:15.
Weight was within range and the lowest I have been in a long time
Exercise-5.84 mile walk
Breakfast-Eggs with spinach and onion, turkey bacon, Ezekiel Bread and almond butter
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Out-Patty Melt with Blood Red Lemonade
Snack-Trail Mix and Milk Shake
Dinner-Chili Mac
Water-Herb Tea
Words/Feelings-enjoyable to get out and explore.  I can always eat something with too much salt and it is usually when I eat out.  Feeling achy in my knees and hips.  I wish people would keep their dogs on a leash.  Going to LA and pushing to get out the door. Enjoying spending time with my daughter and a friend.  Rory has no respect for me and only thinks about himself.  Thankful I was able to let go of a discussion/argument we had and be able to rest

Saturday-had a good night's sleep and got up at 6, as we are going back to LA and have to be on the train at 9.
Weight was within range.
Exercise-4 mile walk
Breakfast-Eggs with bell peppers and onion, turkey bacon, Ezekiel Bread and almond butter
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-out-Argentinian Food
Snack-Trail Mix and Milk Shake
Water-Herb Tea and Coffee
Words/Feelings-Pushing to get out the door, but looking forward to exploring LA with friends.  Tired. Being with friends makes life at home easier to deal with.

Sunday-Pho Soup
Monday-Chicken Pesto with mushroom and rice
Tuesday-Chicken Tiki masala
Wednesday-Orange Chicken
Thursday-Turkey, mushrooms and rice
Friday-Chicken Fajitas


Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 is the year of "I can"

2015 was the year of losing weight and now 2016 is the year of "I can".  I am tired of being fearful and feeling stuck.  After the first of the year, I am going to find a part time job.

Sunday-I was getting tired of the bed and got up around 6:30 a.m.  Weight was slightly down. Did some of my home exercises and did some dancing at a party.  Stayed mainly on track with food, except for dinner, when I gave myself permission to enjoy.  Went to bed around midnight.

Monday-Got up around 6:30, as Rory was up and about.  I am not sure if I could have slept much more.  Weight is at the upper end of my goal range and for the next three days, I will be back on track. Food today was on track, even though we went out for lunch.  We went to Veggie Grill and I had a grilled chicken sandwich without sides.  I did some of my home exercises and did a 3.4 mile walk.  I did get a nap, as I really needed it.  Turned off the light at 10:30.

Tuesday-Got up at 6:30, which gave me 8 hours of sleep, but still felt tired.  45 minute nap as well
Weight was within normal range.
Exercise-4.96 mile walk and one home exercise
Breakfast-Goat milk yogurt with blueberries and bananas, Ezekiel bread with almond butter, turkey bacon and tea.
Lunch-chicken salad and chai tea
Dinner-Orange chicken with chow mein and a cookie
Water-46 oz water
Words of the day:  frustration, that someone can't do things for himself, when I know he can, enjoyment of being with friends,  relaxed at not being on a time schedule
Turned off the light at 11:30

Wednesday-Got up at 6:50, which gave me a little over 7 hours of sleep. Naps are nice and I did get one.
Weight was within normal range
Breakfast-eggs with spinach, onion and cheese, Ezekiel Bread with almond butter
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-Shrimp salad, a tangerine and an Iced Caramel Macchiato.
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Shrimp, broccoli and macaroni and cheese and yogurt with M&M's
Water-46 ounces and herbal tea
Home exercises-Arm circles, wall sits
Words/Feelings for the day-Relieved as Rory is gone for 5 days, frustrated, as Rory has to call and tell me all the news reports of where certain locations are supposedly going to be blown up on New Years Eve, and wanting to get to doing errands faster than others want to get going.   Accomplished-we got Christmas decorations taken down.  Peacefulness-quiet in the house, with no TV.  Not wanting  for this day to end.
Turned off the light around 10.  Tried to do some reading and fell asleep.

Thursday-Actually set the alarm and got up at 6, as we had to be out the door around 8 for a hike.  I did get 8 hours of sleep, which was nice.  I also got a nap, as we hiked 10 miles today.
Weight was within normal range.
Breakfast-eggs with cheese and cut up vegetables, Ezekiel Bread with almond butter.
Snack-trail mix along the hike
Lunch-turkey sandwich and cranberry sauce
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Enchiladas Rancheros with chicken and rice and chips with salsa and guacamole
Water-46 oz+ and Herbal tea
10 mile hike
Words/Feelings for the day-Nervous regarding the hike, as there are no bathrooms along the hike; happy that I did the 10 mile hike, relaxed, as it is nice to come home to a peaceful house and excited to be going out with friends for New Years Eve. New Years Eve was fun and I was surprised at how well I bowled.
Turned off the light around 1:30 a.m.

Friday-Happy New Year's!  Got up about 7:30.  I, only got 6 hours of sleep, so I know there will be naps today. I took a two hour nap.
Weight was within normal range and today, I will be staying on food plan.
Breakfast-oatmeal with blueberries and bananas and turkey bacon
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-half a turkey meat loaf sandwich with cheese and lettuce and a tangerine
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Chicken, couscous and vegetables and frozen yogurt
Water and herb tea
No hiking today, did some home exercises.
Words/Feelings for the day:  Enjoying a quiet house. Tired-time for nap-thankful I could listen to Rory, but not have to put up with him on a 24/7 basis. Thankful for friendships and my daughters.  Scattered and tired.  Need to not get upset with myself, when I don't get things done.
Turned off the light around 9:30 p.m.

Saturday-got up at 6, as I have a hike this morning.  Did take a nap.
Weight was within normal range and I plan to stay on plan.  Lunch was out and I had a chicken bowl. Happy with the choice.
Breakfast-Grape Nuts with blueberries and bananas and turkey bacon with herb tea
Snack-trail mix
Lunch-chicken bowl with a couple of chips and hibiscus aqua fresca
Snack-trail mix
Dinner-Turkey with rice and vegetables and yogurt with M&M's
Did a 4 mile hike and some home exercises.
Words/Feelings for the day:  Frustrated with my phone.  Thought I was going to have to get a new phone, but the battery charged while we were gone on a hike.(?)  Thankful for friendships.  I am going to make a list of projects I want/need to get done.  Feel like I waste time on the computer.  People tell me I am strong, but I don't feel strong! Tired! I feel less scattered, as I made a list of different things, I want to do projects around the house, in regards to financial, reading and my hiking.
Turned off the light around 10:15 p.m.


Sunday-Chicken, Broccoli, and Mushroom Risotto
Monday-Chicken Burrits
Wednesday-Shrimp, diced tomatoes, mushrooms and rice
Thursday-Rosemary Chicken
Friday-Chili Mac


Sunday-Hike in Peters Canyon
Monday-Walk in Rancho Santa Margarita
Tuesday-Walk in Turtle Rock(possible rain)
Thursday-Hike in Shady Canyon(possible rain)
Friday-None, but possible
Saturday-Exploratory walk in Los Angeles