Monday, December 21, 2015


Since I hit my goal weight last week, now my life will be about maintaining this weight.  I really plan to keep it around my goal weight, as I have worked too hard to gain the weight back and my life has become a new life style of eating healthy and exercise and I am enjoying it.

Sunday-I was up early at 5:30, as I have to be out the door by 7:30, so we can be in San Diego by 9.  My weight was up.  Breakfast was on track, as well as snacks and dinner.  A group of us went out to lunch and I don't know that I made the most wise choice.  We did about a 6 mile hike, which was really enjoyable and I am really finding I enjoy exploring different areas and being out in nature.  It was a long, enjoyable day and I turned off the light around 9:45.

Monday-a start to a new week and back to healthy eating.  Rory was awake about 4 and was having difficulty breathing because of the moisture in the air.  The a/c went back on.  I was up at 6:20.  The weight is still up, but I am going to be back to more eating at home.  Food was on track today.  I had breakfast and snacks and dinner according to plan and went to Veggie Grill for lunch and made wise choices.  Did home exercises and did a 4 mile walk.  Turned off the light around 6:20.

Tuesday-I had a lot on my head during the night, as we found out that Mari got a job, which is exciting, but will change our current life.  Got up around 6:30 and my weight was down, which I was happy about.  Stayed on track today, even though I was tempted at lunch to go out, as we were out doing some errands and lunch was late.  Note to self: bring fruit along, if I know lunch is going to be late, then I am not tempted.  Did home exercises and did a 4 mile walk.  Turned off the light around 11:30.

Wednesday-Rory was up around 6:15, which woke me up and evidently he is dealing with a sore throat.  Great!  NOT!  We don't need a cold around our house.  Weight is down again.  I am going out to dinner tonight with my small group and I need to make wise choices.  I did stay on track with most of my food during the day.  With dinner, I had planned to have one thing and ended up having something else.  This is a restaurant, I would not go back to.  I had to take my car in for service, so while the car was being serviced, I took a walk.  Light went out around 11.

Thursday-I was able to sleep until about 6:30.  Weight was slightly up.  My goal, now that I have made my goal weight is to keep my weight between 170-175. Stayed on track with food today.  Overall the last few months, I have been reading about empaths, which I know I am and how they have a tendency to have relationships with narcissists, which is Rory and now I have been listening to a podcast about tendencies and I am an obliger with a rebel tendency, which is a war that goes on in my head.  According to this podcast, obligers usually have relationships with rebels, which is my husband. Interesting how, even though we have a lousy marriage and I would prefer not to be in this marriage, this is the person, with my personality, I was supposed to have married.  Knowing this helps, but I still do not want to be in this marriage, as I am more his caretaker, than his wife.  Did my home exercises and got in a walk of approximately 5+ miles.  Turned off the light about 11:15.

Friday-Slept until about 6:30.  Weight was within my goal range. A friend of mine wanted to go hiking and we had decided to go to Torrey Pines in San Diego.  We had lunch before we went hiking. I was hurting from my waist down from walking at Shady Canyon on Thursday.  Question to those of you who hike/walk on a regular basis-should you have a meal before or after you eat?  When we got to Torrey Pines, we found out we could not walk on the beach, which I was looking forward to doing.  I made a good choice at lunch, but on the way home, we stopped at a coffee place, I like and I did not make a great choice.  Had dinner slightly later than normal.  We probably did a 4 mile walk, but my phone was causing me issues, so I am not sure.  I was very tired by the time I got home and ended up going to bed between 10:30 and 11.

Saturday-Got up early at 6 p.m., as I had to get to hike at 9 in Fullerton and we had to leave at 8 a.m. to get to Fullerton on time.  My weight was up, but the weight is still within maintenance.  We did a 5 mile hike, but it was not at a very fast speed.  Got sandwiches from Jersey Mikes and milk tea from 85 degrees on the way home.  Went to a birthday party on Saturday night and made wise choices, but allowed myself some leeway.  Fun evening and it was late to bed- 1 a.m.


Sunday-Chicken with sauce, rice and veggies
Monday-Spinach, chicken, mushroom quesadilla
Wednesday-Buffalo chicken with rice and vegetables
Thursday-Pesto chicken


Tuesday-walk?-due to rain

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